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Ebook Jeremy Tambling - Hölderlin and the Poetry of Tragedy : Readings in Sophocles, Shakespeare, Nietzsche and Benjamin FB2, TXT


Focusing on Friedrich Holderlin s writings on Greek tragedy especially the works of Sophocles, which he translated to German this study also examines Holderlin s own poetry, which frequently engaged with tragedy. His musings enable a consideration of the various meanings of tragedy, providing a new reading of Shakespeare, particularly "Julius Caesar," "Hamlet," and "Macbeth." The book also discusses Nietzsche s "The Birth of Tragedy," as well as the views of theorists and philosophers such as Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, Martin Heidegger, Maurice Blanchot, and Jacques Derrida, all of whom were influenced to varying degrees by Holderlin. Drawing upon the insights of Hegelian philosophy and psychoanalysis, this consideration gives readers ready access to a magnificent body of poetry and to the poet as a theorist of tragedy and madness. This is essential reading for an understanding of how tragedy pervades literature and politics, and how it has been regarded and written about, from Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel to Walter Benjamin.", Focusing on Friedrich Holderlin's writings on Greek tragedy--especially the works of Sophocles, which he translated to German--this study also examines Holderlin's own poetry, which frequently engaged with tragedy. His musings enable a consideration of the various meanings of tragedy, providing a new reading of Shakespeare, particularly "Julius Caesar," "Hamlet," and "Macbeth." The book also discusses Nietzsche's "The Birth of Tragedy," as well as the views of theorists and philosophers such as Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, Martin Heidegger, Maurice Blanchot, and Jacques Derrida, all of whom were influenced to varying degrees by Holderlin. Drawing upon the insights of Hegelian philosophy and psychoanalysis, this consideration gives readers ready access to a magnificent body of poetry and to the poet as a theorist of tragedy and madness. This is essential reading for an understanding of how tragedy pervades literature and politics, and how it has been regarded and written about, from Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel to Walter Benjamin., Focusing on Friedrich Hölderlin's writings on Greek tragedyespecially the works of Sophocles, which he translated to Germanthis study also examines Hölderlin's own poetry, which frequently engaged with tragedy. His musings enable a consideration of the various meanings of tragedy, providing a new reading of Shakespeare, particularly Julius Caesar , Hamlet , and Macbeth . The book also discusses Nietzsche's The Birth of Tragedy , as well as the views of theorists and philosophers such as Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, Martin Heidegger, Maurice Blanchot, and Jacques Derrida, all of whom were influenced to varying degrees by Hölderlin. Drawing upon the insights of Hegelian philosophy and psychoanalysis, this consideration gives readers ready access to a magnificent body of poetry and to the poet as a theorist of tragedy and madness. This is essential reading for an understanding of how tragedy pervades literature and politics, and how it has been regarded and written about, from Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel to Walter Benjamin., Holderlin (17701843) is the magnificent writer whom Nietzsche called my favourite poet. His writings and poetry have been formative throughout the twentieth century, and as influential as those of Hegel, his friend. At the same time, his madness has made his poetry infinitely complex as it engages with tragedy, and irreconcilable breakdown, both political and personal, with anger and with mourning. This study gives a detailed approach to Holderlins writings on Greek tragedy, especially Sophocles, whom he translated into German, and gives close attention to his poetry, which is never far from an engagement with tragedy. Holderlins writings, always fascinating, enable a consideration of the various meanings of tragedy, and provide a new reading of Shakespeare, particularly Julius Caesar, Hamlet and Macbeth; the work proceeds by opening into discussion of Nietzsche, especially The Birth of Tragedy. Since Holderlin was such a decisive figure for Modernism, to say nothing of modern Germany, he matters intensely to such differing theorists and philosophers as Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, Martin Heidegger, Maurice Blanchot and Jacques Derrida, all of whose views are discussed herein.Drawing upon the insights of Hegelian philosophy and psychoanalysis, Holderlin and the Poetry of Tragedy gives the English-speaking reader ready access to a magnificent body of poetry and to the poet as a theorist of tragedy and of madness. Holderlins poetry is quoted freely, with translations and commentary provided. This book is the first major account of Holderlin in English to offer the student and general reader a critical account of a vital body of work which matters to any study of poetry and to all who are interested in poetrys relationships to madness. It is essential reading in the understanding of how tragedy pervades literature and politics, and how tragedy has been regarded and written about, from Hegel to Walter Benjamin., Hölderlin (1770-1843) is the magnificent writer whom Nietzsche called 'my favourite poet.' His writings and poetry have been formative throughout the twentieth century, and as influential as those of his friend Hegel. At the same time, his madness has made his poetry infinitely complex as it engages with tragedy, and irreconcilable breakdown, both political and personal, with anger and with mourning. This study gives a detailed approach to Hölderlin's writings on Greek tragedy, especially Sophocles, whom he translated into German, and gives close attention to his poetry, which is never far from an engagement with tragedy. Hölderlin's writings, always fascinating, enable a consideration of the various meanings of tragedy, and provide a new reading of Shakespeare, particularly Julius Caesar, Hamlet and Macbeth; the work proceeds by opening into discussion of Nietzsche, especially The Birth of Tragedy Since Hölderlin was such a decisive figure for Modernism, to say nothing of modern Germany, he matters intensely to such differing theorists and philosophers as Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, Martin Heidegger, Maurice Blanchot and Jacques Derrida, all of whose views are discussed herein. Drawing upon the insights of Hegelian philosophy and psychoanalysis, Hölderlin and the Poetry of Tragedy gives the English-speaking reader ready access to magnificent body of poetry and to the poet as a theorist of tragedy and of madness. Hölderlin's poetry is quoted freely, with translations and commentary provided. This book is the first major account of a vital body of work which matters to any study of poetry and to all who are interested in poetry's relationships to madness. It is essential reading in the understanding of how tragedy pervades literature and politics, and how tragedy has been regarded and written about, from Hegel to Walter Benjamin. Book jacket., Hölderlin (17701843) is the magnificent writer whom Nietzsche called my favourite poet. His writings and poetry have been formative throughout the twentieth century, and as influential as those of Hegel, his friend. At the same time, his madness has made his poetry infinitely complex as it engages with tragedy, and irreconcilable breakdown, both political and personal, with anger and with mourning. This study gives a detailed approach to Hölderlins writings on Greek tragedy, especially Sophocles, whom he translated into German, and gives close attention to his poetry, which is never far from an engagement with tragedy. Hölderlins writings, always fascinating, enable a consideration of the various meanings of tragedy, and provide a new reading of Shakespeare, particularly Julius Caesar, Hamlet and Macbeth; the work proceeds by opening into discussion of Nietzsche, especially The Birth of Tragedy. Since Hölderlin was such a decisive figure for Modernism, to say nothing of modern Germany, he matters intensely to such differing theorists and philosophers as Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, Martin Heidegger, Maurice Blanchot and Jacques Derrida, all of whose views are discussed herein. Drawing upon the insights of Hegelian philosophy and psychoanalysis, Hölderlin and the Poetry of Tragedy gives the English-speaking reader ready access to a magnificent body of poetry and to the poet as a theorist of tragedy and of madness. Hölderlins poetry is quoted freely, with translations and commentary provided. This book is the first major account of Hölderlin in English to offer the student and general reader a critical account of a vital body of work which matters to any study of poetry and to all who are interested in poetrys relationships to madness. It is essential reading in the understanding of how tragedy pervades literature and politics, and how tragedy has been regarded and written about, from Hegel to Walter Benjamin.

Hölderlin and the Poetry of Tragedy : Readings in Sophocles, Shakespeare, Nietzsche and Benjamin by Jeremy Tambling download PDF, TXT, DJV

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