Linda Rehberg - The Bread Machine Magic Book of Helpful Hints TXT, FB2


All 55 recipes in this popular reference have been updated to accommodate the new two-pound breadmaking machines. In addition, the authors offer troubleshooting techniques and useful hints on altering ingredients and baking cycles and reducing or eliminating fat, salt, and sugar and gluten., For anyone considering buying a bread machine, or who wants to get his or her machine to perform at its best, this guide is an absolute essential. Provides handy charts that compare the features of over 60 machines, as well as dozens of consumer-tested tips that will ensure that any bread machine will perform the way its owner wants it to. Line illustrations., The book the authors' fans have been begging for, More Bread Machine Magic offers over 140 new recipes for the hundreds of thousands of bread machine devotees. Each recipe, tested in over a dozen machines, features step-by-step instructions, hints, and creative suggestions for baking the perfect loaf, every time.From pumpernickel loaves to fat-free, whole grain, and sugarfree breads -- even an entire chapter devoted to sourdoughs -- these recipes will inspire the novice and delight the experienced bread machine baker. There are also recipes for doughs that you prepare in the bread machine, fashion by hand, and bake in a traditional oven such as foccacias, flatbreads, rolls and even bagels. All recipes are adapted for 1-, 1 1/2, and 2-pound bread machines.Recipes include: -- French Bread Extraordinaire-- CinnamonRaisin Bagels-- Scandanavian Rye Bread-- Molly's Sourdough Bread-- Buttermilk Wheat Bread-- Bubbly Pizza Crust-- Challah-- and More. Also included are recipes that make use of all those leftover loaves, as well as a selection of spreads that go perfectly with hot toasted slices of freshly baked bread.

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